16th ASOSAI Assembly and 9th ASOSAI Symposium in New Delhi, India
On 23 September 2024, Assistant Auditor-General Mabel Watt led an AGO delegation to New Delhi to attend the 16th ASOSAI Assembly and 9th ASOSAI Symposium. The week-long event, scheduled from 23 to 27 September 2024, was hosted by SAI India.
During the Assembly, ASOSAI members voted for the new members of the Governing Board and Audit Committee for 2024 - 2027. ASOSAI members also witnessed the change in ASOSAI chairmanship from SAI Thailand to SAI India.
During the Symposium, representatives from ASOSAI member countries made presentations on the theme “Digital Public Infrastructure and Gender Divide - Issues of inclusion and accessibility”.
The Singapore delegation also took the opportunity to meet with representatives from SAI India and SAI China during the Assembly sidelines.

Group photograph of the AGO delegation at the 16th ASOSAI Assembly

AAG Mabel assenting to a motion

AAG Mabel presenting a token of appreciation to Mr Girish Chandra Murmu, Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, for India's warm hospitality extended to the Singapore delegation